
Spalding Catholic Schools Internet Procedures

Telecommunications and electronic information resources will be used to enhance the curriculum; increase opportunity for and use of appropriate communication with others; and conduct research.

  • Users of the Internet at Spalding Catholic Schools are prohibited from posting information that violates the privacy of self and others, or jeopardizes the health and safety of self and others. This includes using or posting information that is obscene or is libelous, causes disruption of school activities, or plagiarizes the work of others. Users must follow all copyright laws. Commercial advertisement is not allowed.

  • Users are responsible for careful and proper use of equipment and facilities.

  • Internet users are prohibited from going to sites that are not appropriate. This would include use of information or going to sites that are not morally or ethically in line with the beliefs and teachings of Spalding Catholic Schools and the Diocese of Sioux City.

  • Spalding Catholic Schools users are prohibited from unauthorized or illegal use of or access to: computers; software; telecommunication systems; and the work of others.

  • Students are responsible for good behavior and proper communication the same as in any other school activity including proper Internet etiquette.

  • Spalding Catholic Schools reserves the right to access stored records in cases where there is reasonable cause to expect wrongdoing or misuse of the system.

  • There will be no e-mail access except for class use while supervised by a Spalding Catholic Schools staff member.

  • Violations of the Internet policy will result in immediate loss of access.