Tuition Assistance & Scholarships

Did you know the total cost to educate one child at Spalding Catholic is about $10,000 a year?

Spalding Catholic School is committed to making sure every child receives the best Catholic education possible, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. Thanks to the generosity of grandparents, parishioners, supporters and businesses, no student who is in need, will be denied a Catholic education. 

The Msgr. Lafferty Tuition Foundation (MLTF) does a great job providing for the needs of Spalding's lower income families, but those who are in the middle income level and those with hardships beyond their control, are not adequately provided for through MLTF.

Local Tuition Assistance helps to meet those needs. 

To Give: If you wish to contribute to the Local Tuition Assistance fund, please contact the Development Office at 712-756-4528

To Apply: If you wish to apply for Local Assistance, please contact the Enrollment Office at 712-756-4528. Requests for Local Assistance must follow the application process for MLTF (see MLTF page to the left) and then use this form. All requests are kept confidential.

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